We are delighted to launch our series of policy briefs, based on our extensive research in the Beastly Business Project. The briefs focus on cross cutting themes from our research. The four themes are: green collar crimes, charisma and harms, uncertain scientific knowledge and the role of consumption.
The briefs also provide policy recommendations on how to improve responses to illegal wildlife trade in Europe. We hope that these resources will promote dialogue between our stakeholders.
All our briefs are available to download in PDF format.

Green Collar Crime and the Illegal Wildlife Trade
Professor Rosaleen Duffy r.v.duffy (AT) sheffield.ac.uk
Placing a spotlight on European Consumers
Dr Teresa Lappe-Osthege t.lappe-osthege (AT) sheffield.ac.uk
Wildlife We Love to Harm
Dr Ali Hutchinson alison.hutchinson (AT) sheffield.ac.uk
Uncertain Scientific Knowledge and European Illegal Wildlife Trade
Dr George Iordachescu g.a.iordachescu (AT) sheffield.ac.uk
We have a limited number of hard copies, please contact us beastly.business(AT) sheffield.ac.uk if you require them. We will also be distributing them at various meetings and events over the coming months as well.
If you want to find out more about our research please do get in touch; we would love to hear from you if you have comments or suggestions about our briefs or you are keen to share ideas for future collaboration.
You can download a PDF of all 4 briefs combined in a single document below