Beastly Business team presents at the Conference on Global Organised Crime OC24


Our team will present research at this year’s Conference on Global Organised Crime OC24 coordinated by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime and  the International Association for the Study of Organised Crime taking place on 1-2 December. Our catwalk panel is titled Green-collar crimes and the illegal wildlife trade in Europe and is scheduled on December 2nd at 11:30 (UK time).

OC24 is a virtual conference that brings together scholars working on topics related to organised crime. This year’s edition features 316 speakers presenting their work over 24 hours.

Illegal wildlife trade (IWT) is commonly identified as one of the drivers of global biodiversity loss, but as policy responses focus on law enforcement and organised crime, the role of legal entities can be overlooked. In this catwalk session, the Beastly Business project team will explore how the lens of green-collar crime can sharpen the focus of policy and enforcement initiatives by examining overlooked actors in IWT in Europe. We use the dynamics of illegal trade in brown bears, eels and songbirds as illustrative examples and consider three cross-cutting issues which shape the trade: consumption, uncertain scientific knowledge and legislative frameworks.

You can join our panel at this link and register for free to the entire conference here. For updates follow #OC24 on Twitter.
